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Transgender Cultural Humility

Friday, June 28, 2019 - 10:00am

Transgender Cultural Humility

Friday, June 28th

1:00PM -5:00PM
Teresa Maxis Conference Center, IHM Center
2300 Adams Avenue, Scranton PA



This workshop is designed as an interactive half-day opportunity to discuss and better understand transgender and nonbinary gender identities. Participants will learn about language and vocabulary, interpersonal etiquette, and some of the unique ways people from these communities experience violence and sexual violence. The information and activities will both introduce (or review) some basics, as well as more deeply engage with matters concerning trans and nonbinary folks.

All Pennsylvania Center staff are invited to attend.


Annie Gebhardt is the Training and Technical Assistance Director at PCAR, and Miller Hoffman is PCAR's Contract Liaison. Both are committed to helping to create a world that is safer and more fun for trans and nonbinary people.



Friday, June 28, 2019 - 10:00am