To learn more about the questions you answered in this quiz and how they relate to the health of your relationship, see the analysis below:
Question: I enjoy spending time with the person I’m with.
Learn more: In a healthy relationship, you should enjoy spending time with the other person. That doesn’t mean you need to spend all of your time together, but when you are together, it’s enjoyable.
Question: The person I’m with texts or calls me all the time .
Learn more: Healthy relationships have boundaries, trust, and communication. If the person you are with is calling or texting you nonstop, this is a sign of an unhealthy relationship.
Question: I am able to do what I want and hang out with who I want.
Learn more: In a healthy relationship, you should have freedom to do what you want and hang out with who you want. If the person you are with is limiting your freedom, this is a sign of an unhealthy relationship.
Question: The person I’m with threatens to hurt me, my family, or themselves.
Learn more: A key sign of an unhealthy relationship involves threats and violence. Abusive partners will sometimes threaten to hurt themselves in order to get you to stay in the relationship. The person you are with should never threaten to hurt themselves, you, or the people you love.
Question: The person I’m with respects me when I need alone time.
Learn more: As much as we love spending time with our partners, everybody needs space. In a healthy relationship, the person you are with is respectful when you need time for yourself.
Question: I am worried how the person I’m with will react, so I don’t share my opinions or feelings
Learn more: In a healthy relationship, you and the person you are with should be able to communicate freely and without fear. You should be able to share your feelings and opinions without judgement.
Question: The person I’m with respects my boundaries
Learn more: Boundaries are a healthy part of any relationship. We all deserve to respect another person’s boundaries and have our boundaries respected. This includes our bodies, physical space, and personal objects.
Question: When we disagree, we are able to communicate in a respectful way.
Learn more: Disagreements are a normal part of relationships, but communicating in a respectful way shows your partner you care.
Question: The person I’m with yells at or makes fun of me.
Learn more: Sometimes during disagreements, we may raise our voices. And sometimes, we joke around in good fun. But overall, the person you are with should not be yelling at you or making fun of you on a regular basis.
Question: I am able to maintain relationships with friends and family members
Learn more: People who abuse often isolate their partners from friends, family, and loved ones. In a healthy relationship, you should be able to spend time and communicate with whoever you choose.
Question: The person I’m with tracks my location and goes through my phone.
Learn more: Trust, privacy, and respect are part of a healthy relationship. The person you are with should not be tracking your location or going through your phone, especially without your knowledge.
Question: The person I’m with gets jealous and accuses me of cheating.
Learn more: While we all might get a little jealous from time to time, trust is an important part of any relationship. The person you are with should not accuse you of cheating or flirting.
Question: I have my own interests, hobbies, and friends that are separate from the person I’m with.
Learn more: Being in a healthy relationship means that you also have independence. You should have your own hobbies, interests, and friends that don’t necessarily involve the person you are with. It’s nice to share our interests with our partners, but we should have our own time to enjoy these hobbies.
Question: The person I’m with encourages me to pursue my dreams and ambitions.
Learn more: In a healthy relationship, the person you are with should encourage and support you, rather than hold you back, from pursuing your goals.
Question: The person I’m with tries to control me and make decisions for me.
Learn more: In a healthy relationship, you should have control over your decisions. It can be helpful to get advice from the person you are with, but ultimately decisions are up to you.
Question: The person I’m with holds my past mistakes against me .
Learn more: Everyone makes mistakes, especially in relationships. In a healthy relationship, the person you are with has moved on from and forgiven you for these mistakes.
Question: The person I’m with has control over my money and possessions.
Learn more: Abusive partners often try and control a person’s finances and property so that it is harder for them to leave the relationship. In a healthy relationship, you have control over your money and possessions.
Question: I can be honest with the person I’m with.
Learn more: Honesty is a key part of any healthy relationship. This doesn’t mean that you have to share everything with your partner, but you should be able to speak openly and honestly with them.
Question: I trust the person I’m with and they trust me.
Learn more: There should be mutual trust in a healthy relationship. You should be able to believe and rely on the person you are with.