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  • May 13, 2012 - 10:19pm

    A version of this article was originally posted on the UMN Women’s Center Blog.
    The National Sexual Violence Resource Center promoted Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM) throughout April as a way of increasing public awareness around issues related to sexual violence and assault. Given that so many acts of sexual aggression happen each year at college campuses throughout the United States, it is time we all worked together to bring this pressing issue to light.

  • May 2, 2012 - 6:17am

    It's Saturday morning. A father looks at his son sitting at the kitchen table. He thinks of the world ahead of him and the challenges he will face. The father knows all too well that he will need strength and core values to survive a future of temptations, adversity and opportunities.The father knows he has a responsibility to his son. A responsibility beyond basic needs. A responsibility to teach him what it means to be a man.
    But what is manhood in the modern day?
