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  • March 17, 2013 - 10:21pm

    The Pennsylvania Coalition Against Rape supports the abolition of the statute of limitations to report sexual assault and believes that adult survivors of sexual abuse for whom the statute of limitations has expired should be afforded a two-year window of opportunity to seek civil remedies for their victimization.

    PCAR urges the Pennsylvania House of Representatives to act in the best interest of public safety by voting to approve this “window” measure. 

  • October 9, 2012 - 5:45am

    Today Judge John Cleland sentenced Jerry Sandusky to a prison term of 30-60 years, and declared him a sexually violent predator. Anything less would have been unconscionable to his victims who endured sexual assault at his hands, years of silent suffering, and the agony of telling their stories to a packed courtroom and the entire nation who was listening last June.
