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At-Home Rape Kit Cease-and-Desist Statement

HARRISBURG – The Pennsylvania Coalition to Advance Respect (PCAR), a division of Respect Together, applauds the actions of the Pennsylvania Office of Attorney General to issue a cease-and-desist order against companies producing and distributing “At-Home Rape Kits.” After an assault, it is important survivors consider seeking medical attention and understand the potential risks associated with the use of at-home kits.

For many, hope is lost in the aftermath of sexual assault. PCAR continues to work tirelessly to restore hope and support healing for survivors of sexual assault. Using an “at-home kit” provides a survivor with false hope. It is highly unlikely that at-home evidence would be admissible to labs or courts of law throughout the Commonwealth—doing a great injustice to victims and survivors of sexual harassment, abuse, and assault.

PCAR remains committed best practices that have consistently proven successful for survivors of sexual assault. We will always recognize the courage it takes to seek help and continue to emphasize the importance of seeking care from specially trained healthcare providers at hospitals across the Commonwealth. These professionals are prepared to examine victims following an assault and care for their immediate safety. They conduct a forensic rape exam at no cost to the survivor, collect evidence, and screen for and treat sexually transmitted infections and other possible injuries.

Those who would use “At-Home Kits” would also forgo the on-site assistance of a rape crisis center counselor. Counselors provide support during the forensic rape exam and long after. They are confidential, trained professionals who help the survivor understand their legal options and support them in navigating their healing process. PCAR’s network of rape crisis centers also provide additional essential services to survivors such as, legal advocacy, and counseling services at no cost to survivors and their families. 24/7, free, confidential help is available through the statewide hotline: 1-888-772-7227.

Sexual violence is a public health crisis and while the cease-and-desist decision is a victory for survivors, another critical issue remains: the funding crisis faced by rape crisis centers. The best way to support survivors in Pennsylvania is to support increased funding for Pennsylvania’s Rape Crisis Centers. These

centers provide indispensable services, yet they have not seen a significant increase in funding for over five years. Without urgent budgetary support from the Pennsylvania Legislature, many risk closing their doors, leaving survivors without the crucial help they need.

To ensure the continued availability of these life-saving services, it's imperative that we advocate for increased funding for rape crisis centers. Investing in these proven support systems is essential to maintain the safety and well-being of survivors across Pennsylvania. The time is upon us to urge our legislators to prioritize the budget for these vital services and ensure that every survivor has access to the help they deserve.

For media inquiries, please contact:

Gabriella Romeo

Public Policy Director, PCAR

717-728-9740 ext. 114

