Mandated Reporting of Suspected Child Abuse & Neglect: Refresher Course
June 7, 2023: 12:30 – 4:30 pm
June 8, 2023: 12:30 – 4:30 pm
The safety, health and protection of children is everyone's responsibility. It is essential to shift focus on the role and responsibility that adult bystanders play in the prevention, protection, and intervention of child abuse. This abbreviated training will provide participants with information on the role and legal responsibilities under the PA Child Protective Services Law as well discuss the complexity of the dynamics of child abuse. During this two-day refresher course, participants will review the Mandated Reporter Training Curriculum and how it is presented in trainings.
Audience: Registrants MUST have already received the full Mandated Reporting of Suspected Child Abuse Training of Trainers.
Presenters: Jaime Cypher and Stacie Scheel
Jaime Cypher is the Children's Advocacy Coordinator at PCAR. Jaime has several years of past experience as a children’s trauma counselor and trainer at a PA dual center. In her current role, Jaime assists children's advocates and counselors through resource sharing, meetings, technical assistance, and trainings, as well as providing advocacy at the systems level.
Stacie Scheel is a Community Education Specialist for the Women’s Center of Beaver County. Throughout her 22 years with the Women’s Center, Stacie has educated thousands of students, community groups and professionals on healthy relationships, sexual assault awareness and prevention, anti-bullying behaviors, domestic violence awareness and prevention, and mandated reporting.
Contact: Jaime Cypher,
Capacity is limited!
Denuncia obligatoria de sospecha de abuso y negligencia infantil: curso de actualizacion
7 de junio de 2023: 12:30 – 4:30 p.m.
8 de junio de 2023: 12:30 – 4:30 p.m.
La seguridad, la salud y la proteccion de los ninos es responsabilidad de todos. Es esencial cambiar el enfoque sobre el papel y la responsabilidad que tienen los espectadores adultos en la prevencion del abuso infantil, la proteccion de los ninos y la intervencion ante el abuso. Esta capacitacion abreviada brindara a los participantes informacion sobre el papel y las responsabilidades legales segun la Ley de Servicios de Proteccion Infantil de Pennsylvania, y tambien abordara la complejidad de la dinamica del abuso infantil. Durante este curso de actualizacion de dos dias, los participantes revisaran el curriculo de capacitacion del denunciante obligatorio y su presentacion en las capacitaciones.
Publico: Quienes soliciten inscribirse ya DEBEN haber recibido la capacitacion completa de capacitadores sobre denunciantes obligatorios de sospecha de abuso infantil.
Presentadoras: Jaime Cypher y Stacie Scheel
Jaime Cypher es la coordinadora de Defensa de los Ninos en la PCAR. Jaime tiene varios anos de experiencia como terapeuta y capacitadora en materia de trauma infantil en un centro dual de Pennsylvania. En su funcion actual, Jaime colabora con los defensores y los terapeutas de ninos a traves del intercambio de recursos, reuniones, asistencia tecnica y capacitaciones, ademas de la defensoria a nivel de sistemas.
Stacie Scheel es especialista en Educacion Comunitaria del Centro de Mujeres del condado de Beaver. Durante sus 22 anos con el Centro de Mujeres, Stacie ha capacitado a miles de estudiantes, grupos comunitarios y profesionales acerca de las relaciones saludables, la concienciacion y la prevencion de las agresiones sexuales, los comportamientos en contra del bullying, la concienciacion y la prevencion de la violencia domestica y la denuncia obligatoria.
Contact: Jaime Cypher,