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Spoken Language Interpretation services


The Pennsylvania Coalition to Advance Respect (PCAR) - a division of Respect Together, is a non-profit, national organization working to end sexual violence, and advocate for the rights and needs of all victims of sexual abuse, assault, and harassment. The Pennsylvania Coalition to Advance and the National Sexual Violence Resource Center are divisions of Respect Together, whose mission is to provide leadership in preventing and responding to sexual violence through collaborating, sharing, and creating resources, and promoting research.



The Pennsylvania Coalition to Advance Respect (PCAR) is seeking proposals from qualified firms to provide verbal language interpretation, and American Sign Language (ASL) interpretation, as defined within the Scope of Services below. We are seeking a team of spoken language and ASL interpreters that are versed in our mission to end sexual violence. We seek interpreter services that are trauma-informed and approach the work from a language justice perspective. Preferred interpreters would have experience translating topics dealing with various aspects of the prevention and/or intervention of sexual abuse, assault, and harassment as well as experience interpreting in virtual spaces.



RESPONDENT will provide trauma-informed language and ASL interpretation to all PCAR affiliated centers across the commonwealth of Pennsylvania in any languages as requested by the centers. A separate line/account will be created for both divisions of Respect Together, PCAR and NSVRC.



1. Administrative Requirements

I. RESPONDENT will provide a single, toll-free, nationwide 1-800 number to access all services.

II. RESPONDENT will provide service utilization tracking and billing through the use of Access    Codes, User IDs or other mechanism that differentiates the several sexual assault centers that use the language services.

 III. RESPONDENT shall maintain a list of all mandatory training requirements for its interpreters and provide a training plan to PCAR. The training plan should include curriculum that covers topics such us interpreting protocols and procedures; cultural awareness and sensitivity; overview of cultures and language elements; and confidentiality, including HIPAA if applicable.

 IV. RESPONDENT, upon contract execution, and as requested, will provide a copy of procedures/policies and training on how to request and access services for all PA Center staff who will be operating in this capacity, at no cost to the centers. The training, at a minimum, will include hard copy documents and/or web-based documentation of the processes and procedures. The documentation will also include processes and procedures for obtaining customer service/technical assistance and for issues regarding service provision. The RESPONDENT will submit any changes to the Policies and Procedures to PCAR within two (2) weeks of the revision.

 V. RESPONDENT, upon contract execution, shall participate in implementation and operational meetings either in person, by phone or through virtual meeting platform, as directed by PCAR.

 VI. RESPONDENTS shall develop, implement, enforce and update, as necessary and/or required, a Confidentiality Policy that is compliant with the PA Confidentiality/HIPAA laws, and the PA Administrative Code, including patient privacy requirements specific to the care of minors, and any other applicable federal and state laws includes including, but is not limited to, the following components:

  1.  Interpreters shall not divulge any information learned in the performance of professional duties.
  2. Confidentiality is to be maintained in all situations, except where legally mandated to disclose information in specific situations such as child abuse, elder abuse, a person threatening to harm themselves or others, or where the interpreter determines to the best of their ability that non-disclosure may result in harm.
  3. Interpreters shall not publicly discuss, report, or offer an opinion concerning matters in which they are or have been engaged even when the information is not privileged by law to be confidential.


2. Required Languages

RESPONDENT will, at minimum, provide the interpretation/translation services in the following languages: *

• American Sign Language (ASL)          •French                               •Spanish

• Arabic                                                          •Karin                                 •Swahili

• Burmese                                                      •Korean                              •Vietnamese

• Cantonese                                                   •Mandarin                         •Farsi


*RESPONDENT should be able to provide interpretation in any languages as requested by the centers                                                    

These languages must be continuously available for the term of the awarded contract.


3. Staffing

The RESPONDENT will only collaborate with certified interpreters who have passed an examination from a recognized agency. The RESPONDENT’s interpreters will be designated to the centers based on need of specific language. In addition, RESPONDENT’s interpreters shall be trained to manage emergency and non-emergency calls. At the time of response, RESPONDENT shall be able to furnish enough certified individuals to meet the needs of PCAR. Upon contract award, and as requested, RESPONDENT shall provide copies of certification for interpreters.


4. Coverage

Coverage for on-demand Telephone, Video Remote and on-site interpretation services shall be adequate to meet the needs of the PCAR.

5. Invoicing

All invoices will be submitted to PCAR monthly and electronically. The information required on each invoice will include, but not be limited to, the following:

  •  Service Type
  • Billing Unit
  • Unit Rate
  • Duration of service/call
  • Total cost of each service/call
  • Language(s)
  • Identification of the individual interpreter/translator (Unique ID acceptable)
  • Identification of center staff (unique center access code)
  • Center requesting the service/call.



The RESPONDENT shall provide on-demand Telephone, Video Remote and on-site Interpretation services to PCAR and its affiliated centers as outlined below.

The RESPONDENT shall provide on-demand Telephone, Video Remote and on-site interpretation services directly to PCAR affiliated center staff or others at various facilities. RESPONDENT shall have the capability to provide this service for the required languages, as detailed in Section A.2 of the Scope of Services. Services will include, but are not limited to, assisting non-English or limited-English speaking individuals, or individuals who are deaf or hearing impaired, in the appropriate foreign languages/ASL in a timely manner. This service must be available twenty-four (24) hours a day, seven (7) days a week, three hundred sixty-five (365) days per year, and centers/callers must receive access to an interpreter within thirty (30) seconds of connection of telephone calls. In addition, interpretation services can be provided through audio-visual equipment, utilizing a web-based platform, or any other system appropriate and approved by PCAR upon contract award, following the same availability and response requirements outlined above.


1- Telephonic Services

The RESPONDENT will provide conference-calling services and capabilities. Telephonic interpretation services may be scheduled with twenty-four or more hours’ advanced notice when the need is known or may be requested with less than twenty-four (24) hours’ advanced notice if the need is not known. Once a request is made, services must be available immediately.

Telephonic interpretation services will be required for events of varying duration and will be charged at a per minute rate. RESPONDENT will provide interpretation services during and after regular business hours. The RESPONDENT must be willing and able to participate in briefing activities related to emergency operations when/if it becomes activated.

RESPONDENT will provide each affiliated center a unique access code or PIN to help identify the centers during reporting and billing.

RESPONDENT’s interpreter shall be proficient in simultaneous interpretation in which the interpreter listens to spoken statements of varying length in one language, and at the conclusion of the statement, interprets it orally into another language. The interpreter must be proficient in absorbing the information, mentally retaining it, and accurately transferring it into another language from which it is spoken.


2- Video Remote interpretation Services

RESPONDENT shall provide video remote interpreting on-demand upon request by PCAR affiliated centers twenty-four (24) hours a day, seven (7) days a week, three hundred sixty-five (365) days per year.

The audio-visual interpretation system must be compatible with all devices and software system with camera with a minimum resolution of 1080p60 (1920x1080 pixels, at sixty [60] frames per second), as stated in the National Association for the Deaf’s Minimum Standards for Video Remote Interpreting Services. RESPONDENT’s system must be outlined in its Response and approved by PCAR upon Contract award.

RESPONDENT’s interpreter shall be proficient in simultaneous interpretation in which the interpreter listens to spoken statements of varying length in one language, and at the conclusion of the statement, interprets it orally into another language. The interpreter must be proficient in absorbing the information, mentally retaining it, and accurately transferring it into another language from which it is spoken.

RESPONDENT must provide each affiliated center, a unique login and password information allowing them to access the Video Remote interpretation at any time.


3- On-Site Interpretation

The RESPONDENT shall provide on-site Interpretation to affiliated centers, in either a public, private, or community facility environment for emergency and non-emergency situations.

RESPONDENT shall have the capability to provide this service for the requested languages, as detailed in Section A.2 of this Scope of Services. A majority of services will be provided during normal business hours. However, in the event of an emergency centers would need an immediate response. The centers will attempt to give twenty-four to forty-eight hours’ advanced notice for non-emergencies, and to utilize telephonic or audio-visual options, when possible, in the event of an emergency.

The RESPONDENT will provide interpreters in person, on site or otherwise, when required. In person interpreters will be scheduled approximately twenty-four (24) hours or more in advance, when the need is known. In-person services may be requested with less than twenty-four (24) hours’ advanced notice if the need is not known ahead of time. If requested with less than twenty-four (24) hours advanced notice, RESPONDENT shall make an interpreter available within one (1) hour of requested service time in-person or make arrangements with the center’s staff to immediately provide services through telephonic or audio-visual device, as needed.

RESPONDENT’s interpreter shall be proficient in simultaneous interpretation in which the interpreter listens to spoken statements of varying length in one language, and at the conclusion of the statement, interprets it orally into another language. The interpreter must be proficient in absorbing the information, mentally retaining it, and accurately transferring it into another language from which it is spoken.

When more than one (1) interpreter is available for an assignment, the RESPONDENT will assign the interpreter closest to the site where services are needed, unless a specific interpreter is requested.

An interpreter will be physically present at the assigned location, including locations with security or other specific requirements, and will abide by all such security and specific requirements.



The anticipated term for a contract awarded in response to this RFP is for a period of one (1) year with an optional one (1) year renewal. PCAR shall have the option to extend under the same terms and conditions. All extensions shall be in writing and signed by Respect Together’ s CEO, after approval by PCAR’s Grants and Contract Department. PCAR may terminate a contract at any time if funds are restricted, withdrawn, not approved, or for unsatisfactory service.


Commitment to DEI

Respect Together is committed to diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI). One of our strategic goals is to become an antiracist organization. Included in this commitment is an interest in supporting and developing partnerships with minority-owned businesses or businesses that demonstrate measurable outcomes related to their commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion.

We define diversity broadly to encompass the full spectrum of humanity, taking into account demographics such as race/ethnicity; Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer/Questioning (LGBTQ) status, gender identity, and disabilities, among others.

Equity is promoting justice, impartiality and fairness within the procedures, processes, and distribution of resources by institutions or systems. Addressing equity issues requires an understanding of the underlying or root causes of outcome disparities within our society.

Inclusion is the degree to which diverse individuals are able to participate fully in the decision-making processes within an organization or group.

As such, please respond to the following questions:

  1. Describe your existing programs and procedures designed to encourage and foster diversity, equity, and inclusion.
  2. If your firm is a Black, Indigenous and People of Color (BIPOC)-owned, woman-owned, or LGBTQ-owned business, please indicate so and provide information on your firm's certification and certifying agency.
  3. Please provide the percentage of your firm's total employees by race and gender.
  4. Please describe if/how your firm will use BIPOC-owned, woman-owned, or LGBTQ-owned business in the proposed relationship. Please be as specific as possible.


Selection Process:  Contractors will be considered based on a variety of factors including: 

  • Demonstration of Contractors’ commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion,
  • Prior relevant projects or experience with firms of comparable size and complexity,
  • Knowledge and expertise of individuals that will work the projects,
  • A proven record of providing quality work on time,
  • Ability to provide work within the scope of budget; and
  • Response of references.


Submitting a proposal

In your proposal, please share your experience--including experience interpreting sexual assault prevention and intervention (or related) content via Telephone interpretation, Video Remote Interpretation and In-person interpretation. Additionally, please include a response to the following:

  • What language services do you provide?
  • Describe how you plan to provide services described in items 1-4 under Requirements.
  • Provide a yearly cost estimate for the project.
  • Explain your process for testing linguists’ interpretation skills and subject matter expertise.

The proposal should also address the respondent’s commitment to DEI as described above, by responding to the four questions as listed.

The Pennsylvania Coalition to Advance Respect (PCAR) will be accepting Requests for Proposals (RFP) to provides verbal language interpretation, and American Sign Language (ASL) interpretation services related to sexual abuse, assault, and harassment in communities throughout Pennsylvania. This proposal is for Fiscal Year 2024-2025 with yearly renewals through Fiscal Year 2026-2027. The RFP will be made available October 7, 2024, on the PCAR website ( All RFPs must be submitted electronically to  Organizations wishing to apply will have until November 8, 2024, at 5:00pm to submit an application to PCAR.

Any proposal received after the deadline will not be considered.


Send any questions to Koffi Kengbo at